Unveil the World of Wisdom with Wise Ink

In the complexity of existence, there are deep reservoirs of comfort, unyielding fortitude, illuminating understanding, and priceless counsel. These reservoirs of sagacity stand apart, ready to be unearthed by those in pursuit of the riches of enlightenment they contain. Join us on an expedition through the domain of ageless wisdom, where you will uncover the vault of precious gems that light the way on your life’s journey.

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Discussions, Recommendations, and Inspirations

The Most Important Scripture

These are divinely gifted to each as the most important scripture, above all man-written scriptures.

Key To Achievement

Real intent cannot arise without a keen desire. Without passionate intent, the will has no backbone. There is no sincere, sustained effort without a resolute will.

The Nature Of Duty

Monks who abandon worldly duties and obligations, and live their lives on the honest earnings of others, even if these be through charities by any organized religion, incur a debt which will have to be discharged in this life or another.

True Happiness Rises From Virtue

This is astonishing since the truth of these equations is fully within the scope of realization of even ordinary people. Besides, why are so many of the most vital, manifest and undeniable truths not most heavily underscored by religions, philosophies and psychology?

Goodness Brings Sentience, Sensitivity And Freshness

No one who is truly virtuous is ever bored, numb or indifferent. The Supreme Being is perfect goodness, and is eternally and absolutely sentient, ever perfectly fresh, sensible and sensitive.

The Best Primary Safety Measure

The consciousness of most people is strongly attached to the outer layers of their mind and, therefore, they are lost in the follies of an entirely physical and material existence, and remain quite troubled by even minor things, e.g., having to wait a few moments for something they want or being interrupted while doing something they are enjoying or engaged in.

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